
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Today has been a really good day. But not because anything exceptionally good has happened to me. It's the little things that have happened around (and to some extent to) me.

The first thing that made me smile was the little boy who, not more than three years old, got off the bus and said "Thanks Mate" to the driver. It was just so cute.

And then, while waiting for the bus, Radio 2 decided to play a song by one of my favourite singers - who also happens to be one of the more obscure people I like. It wasn't even off her recent album. And it was one of my favourite songs! (For those that are curious it was Take the Money and run by Juliet Turner). I couldn't resist singing along and had to try and keep the volume down in case I got some strange looks.

Work was work. I had a meeting in the morning which seemed to go fairly well and drew on my IT expertise, which is always a nice thing. I think I got a few things in motion and a few other things sorted out. There was talk of a Project Officer role for a big tender that we're going for which could be interesting, although I'm holding out for a more ITcentric role - and there were comments that maybe possibly suggested there might be a chance perhaps. I won't hold my hopes up but I can't help but wish for it.

My first bus on the way back was really late and with the pissing it down rain this wasn't a good thing. However, the driver of my second bus made up for it by stopping and letting me on while I was still halfway to the bus stop. I had run like hell up the hill but knew I'd never make it (it's a bloody steep hill and I'm too unfit to run that far). So I was beginning to slow down, looking over my shoulder at the bus in hope, getting slowly soaked through.. and he stopped and let me on. Not the best of places to stop either! Considering the driver of the first bus hadn't done something similar for someone I regularly see on the bus I was quite impressed.

On the bus I overheard some women discussing the dirty water problem so I chipped in. It was nice to talk to a few random strangers! I often sit there wishing for at least a smile or something when I get on the bus. So that was nice.

And to top off the rather nice day we discovered that the first episode of Stargate SG1 was on tonight. I quickly texted Lucie and put the video on just in case she misses it (which she has).

I haven't, however, got any other work done. Rat's away tomorrow night so I'll have a big go at it tonight.


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