
Monday, October 31, 2005

It's good to know that things just don't change on IRC. Sure a few people come and a few people go, and some change their nicks, but in general they're just the same as they were when I was a regularly some three years ago. Has it really been that long? Well, I was probably IRCing less than three years ago but my habits were certainly slowing down. Particularly with the introduction of blogging.

I got to catch up with some of my favourite IRCers today. It was nice just talking to them about nothing in particular. I had some tech support from one, talked NaNo with another, and found out another was in the country (well, England, so not technically the same country, but still). It's amazing how much I'm suddenly realising I missed it.

Although not as much as I missed the boiler, which seems to be working fine now. We had a bath and the house really felt warm. When the heating first went on there was this warm smell - you could tell that the house was heating up for the first time in ages. I'll never complain about the cold again. It's amazing how much you appreciate a boiler when it's gone. How much we take for granted.

We're hiding in the back of the house tonight away from the kids. I did answer the door to one incredibly cute pair of trick and treaters while their mum was waiting at the bottom of the steps. I gave them a packet of crisps each and sent them on their way. Awwww... so sweet.

I was playing with Flock earlier. The new Firefox-based browser. It looks quite cool.. I look forward to the non-development version.


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