I've been meaning to open this up and start typing all day but haven't had the chance until now. It's been a busy but productive day. It has also felt incredibly incredibly long.
It's the second episode of the new season of SG1 tonight so Lucie and I had a "geek-out" earlier. Debbie, who sits by Lucie, gave us a strange look as we squealed about "what's on TV tonight...".
But as well as the geeky Stargate discussions I've been able to talk to other people about TV-related subjects. Yes, my geeky tendencies are lessening to some extent and I am watching other things!!!! One conversation involved our favourite "Little Britain" sketches. I'm afraid to say that other than some of the sketches (particularly Bitty and the Women's Association ones) I actually enjoy this program. I laugh out loud at it - something that normally happens when I'm watching geeky programs that I absolutely love, not when I'm watching comedy programs. I normally stare blankly at the box when it comes to comedians. But when it comes to Little Britain.. the computer says no.
The other discussion has been with Nic as she's discovered my love for American Choppers. I suppose it must sound like the strangest thing: a self-professed computer nerd and sci-fi geek liking a program about MOTORCYCLES. For heavens sake, what is wrong with me? To be truthful though, I've always had a love of bikes and always wanted to learn to ride rather than to drive. What stopped me? Complete and utter fear. Hell, it was hard enough booking myself my first driving lesson. I'm far too much of a wimp to try to ride a bike where I only have the protection of a helmet and some leather padding.
I don't know much about bikes - I had a long-time joke with a school friend that I'd marry him when he got a Harley - but I never really knew what that meant. I knew that Harley's were "the thing" when it came to bikes and they looked kinda nice, but that was all. I'm slowly learning more since my addiction to American Choppers.
It all started with American Hotrods, which is much more like a soap opera than a program about building cars. And really, while I know when I like the look of a hotrod, I couldn't care less about them. But I was soon into the program when I was introduced to American Choppers. With less "characters" and more interesting products, it was far easier to get into. It's half a love of the Teutel family and Vinnie and Rick that keeps me watching. But also a love of the bikes they produce. Nic is trying to get me to go to biker rallies next summer and I'm very tempted. And I now have a Mikey Teutel desktop background that cheers me up when I see it. It's so bright and funny.
And now I hear that there is going to be a Doctor Who spinoff. TV is getting addictive again and I'm getting less and less time to watch it.
It's the second episode of the new season of SG1 tonight so Lucie and I had a "geek-out" earlier. Debbie, who sits by Lucie, gave us a strange look as we squealed about "what's on TV tonight...".
But as well as the geeky Stargate discussions I've been able to talk to other people about TV-related subjects. Yes, my geeky tendencies are lessening to some extent and I am watching other things!!!! One conversation involved our favourite "Little Britain" sketches. I'm afraid to say that other than some of the sketches (particularly Bitty and the Women's Association ones) I actually enjoy this program. I laugh out loud at it - something that normally happens when I'm watching geeky programs that I absolutely love, not when I'm watching comedy programs. I normally stare blankly at the box when it comes to comedians. But when it comes to Little Britain.. the computer says no.
The other discussion has been with Nic as she's discovered my love for American Choppers. I suppose it must sound like the strangest thing: a self-professed computer nerd and sci-fi geek liking a program about MOTORCYCLES. For heavens sake, what is wrong with me? To be truthful though, I've always had a love of bikes and always wanted to learn to ride rather than to drive. What stopped me? Complete and utter fear. Hell, it was hard enough booking myself my first driving lesson. I'm far too much of a wimp to try to ride a bike where I only have the protection of a helmet and some leather padding.
I don't know much about bikes - I had a long-time joke with a school friend that I'd marry him when he got a Harley - but I never really knew what that meant. I knew that Harley's were "the thing" when it came to bikes and they looked kinda nice, but that was all. I'm slowly learning more since my addiction to American Choppers.
It all started with American Hotrods, which is much more like a soap opera than a program about building cars. And really, while I know when I like the look of a hotrod, I couldn't care less about them. But I was soon into the program when I was introduced to American Choppers. With less "characters" and more interesting products, it was far easier to get into. It's half a love of the Teutel family and Vinnie and Rick that keeps me watching. But also a love of the bikes they produce. Nic is trying to get me to go to biker rallies next summer and I'm very tempted. And I now have a Mikey Teutel desktop background that cheers me up when I see it. It's so bright and funny.
And now I hear that there is going to be a Doctor Who spinoff. TV is getting addictive again and I'm getting less and less time to watch it.
Ohhhh...the second episode was great! That bit with Vala and the flames! Pity that it is 'to be continued...' again, but its all good. As much as I loved Jack, it doesnt seem that weird without him.
Tomorrow night is Stargate Atlantis night - finally!!!!!
American Chopper Fran? What would Dr McKay say???
DayDreamer, At
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:24:00 pm
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