Today hasn't been the best of days. This morning Rat was playing Guildwars. I really didn't feel like writing so I alternated between refreshing my LJ pages (and doing the odd support request!), watching Guildwars, and for a time going to bed for a nap. The problem was that Rat started to get frustrated and I started asking him questions. It is never good to talk to Rat while he's frustrated about a game. So I got a little pissed off for a while, but we smoothed things over okay - it wasn't like we really argued - just got annoyed with each other. I think I need to make sure I'm doing something while Rat is playing Guildwars rather than watching over his shoulder. But until I have a system capable of playing the game (in other words, a machine that runs Winblows) then I'm going to have to get my Guildwars fix by watching. I reckon that maybe, in about four months, I might be able to scrape together a few hundred pounds to buy a cheap laptop. Although that depends on the cost of the roof fix - which we still haven't heard anything about. It's been a week so I think I'll chase tomorrow.
That wasn't the worst of the day though. I was getting dressed ready to pop into town to stock up the fridge and I scratched a spot on my back. I didn't really think much of it although I realised it was quite nasty, until I picked up the top I wore yesterday and saw blood on the back. Realising it must have been bleeding yesterday too I called Rat up to take a look. I think his words were "big and bloody". Half naked and carrying some clothes we went down to the kitchen so that Rat could put a plaster on it. As he was getting the plaster I realised that the spot was hurting. I started to feel sick and apparently I said "I'm going to faint". Next thing I know I'm lying on the floor with Rat propping me up and looking at my face. Well, when I say it was the next thing I know, I remember dreaming and then being confused about being in the kitchen - at that point I couldn't remember being in the kitchen, let alone feeling sick or faint. It's all rather fuzzy really. Apparently Rat caught me on the way down (good job too, since the floor is pretty damn hard) and other than my head flopping to the side and touching the floor my landing was quite easy. He was really worried and concerned that I might end up with a bruise on my head. My head felt fine, I was just completely disorientated. It was pretty damn scary. This is only the second time in my life that I have fainted. Interesting, both have involved seeing blood on clothes and having Rat ensure my fall was gentle.
I've not felt too good all day. The spot still hurts lots and I am really freaking out over the fact I fainted. All over a bleeding spot. When we got to town the first thing we did was get a sugary drink to keep my blood-suger levels up. We did have a nice dinner at Asda and get some (hopefully) nice food though. We have steak for tonight, which we'll be doing in the health grill. I think I might do jacket potatoes and green beans with it. And Rat wants fried onion. Unfortunately we have no mushrooms. But I might put the beans in with the onion. I had considered sauteing either parsnips or a sweet potato since I have to test sauteing food in case that's what we decide to do for our potatoes for Christmas dinner. So hopefully the evening is looking up. I just have to work on NaNo. I'm just not sure I feel like it right now. I'm still feeling a little woozy, believe it or not!
That wasn't the worst of the day though. I was getting dressed ready to pop into town to stock up the fridge and I scratched a spot on my back. I didn't really think much of it although I realised it was quite nasty, until I picked up the top I wore yesterday and saw blood on the back. Realising it must have been bleeding yesterday too I called Rat up to take a look. I think his words were "big and bloody". Half naked and carrying some clothes we went down to the kitchen so that Rat could put a plaster on it. As he was getting the plaster I realised that the spot was hurting. I started to feel sick and apparently I said "I'm going to faint". Next thing I know I'm lying on the floor with Rat propping me up and looking at my face. Well, when I say it was the next thing I know, I remember dreaming and then being confused about being in the kitchen - at that point I couldn't remember being in the kitchen, let alone feeling sick or faint. It's all rather fuzzy really. Apparently Rat caught me on the way down (good job too, since the floor is pretty damn hard) and other than my head flopping to the side and touching the floor my landing was quite easy. He was really worried and concerned that I might end up with a bruise on my head. My head felt fine, I was just completely disorientated. It was pretty damn scary. This is only the second time in my life that I have fainted. Interesting, both have involved seeing blood on clothes and having Rat ensure my fall was gentle.
I've not felt too good all day. The spot still hurts lots and I am really freaking out over the fact I fainted. All over a bleeding spot. When we got to town the first thing we did was get a sugary drink to keep my blood-suger levels up. We did have a nice dinner at Asda and get some (hopefully) nice food though. We have steak for tonight, which we'll be doing in the health grill. I think I might do jacket potatoes and green beans with it. And Rat wants fried onion. Unfortunately we have no mushrooms. But I might put the beans in with the onion. I had considered sauteing either parsnips or a sweet potato since I have to test sauteing food in case that's what we decide to do for our potatoes for Christmas dinner. So hopefully the evening is looking up. I just have to work on NaNo. I'm just not sure I feel like it right now. I'm still feeling a little woozy, believe it or not!
Sounds like a bit of a poopy day! Did you faitn because of the thought of it and blood or cos it hurt? Its making me feel quite queasy actually, as blood and pain, tends to do!
Hope you're feeling better!
DayDreamer, At
Friday, November 04, 2005 12:08:00 pm
I think I just had a panic attack. I got really worried for some reason and started hyperventilating. I do that sometimes but normally get it under control. But I think it was the combination of things that made me start panicking.
Unknown, At
Friday, November 04, 2005 10:25:00 pm
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