
Friday, November 04, 2005

Today was a long and tiring day, but quite good. We got up early and headed to Cardiff to see Elizabethtown, which was a really excellent film. It almost made me cry at times. It's well worth seeing. I've seen a few trailers for films I absolutely must see.. if only these films were out now so that we could see them in my time off. We'll probably end up having to try to squeeze them in or end up missing them or something.

After the film we caught the bus to were my office is so that I could fetch Rat's anniversary presents which typically arrived there yesterday. I got him an OCC mousemat and a model of their Liberty bike. These were, of course, in addition to Guild Wars. And would never have been bought if I could have predicted the roof problems. But he liked his presents - although the box for the bike was scrunched and the handlebar broken off. I can't be bothered to send it back (it's got to go to New Jersey and we'd be waiting ages for the replacement) but I will be complaining once Rat has taken a photo.

We went to the local pub, the Ty Nant, and had a rather delicious lunch that totally filled us up. Rat had a cheese and bacon burger. I had a steak ciabatta. The steak was delicious - nicer than last night's steak (although last night's steak was nice too). We had a bowl of mushrooms and a bowl of onion rings to go with it.

When we left the pub I noticed that I had a missed call: from the people who were meant to be doing the roof. I think the call was from the guy who initially did the inspection - he'd been in the Bahamas when they came out to do the work. He rang asking if the roof had been fixed yet. I'm not sure if he was asking whether his people had come out and done it, or checking to see if it was ready for them to carry on with the fix for the insurance claim. I tried ringing back but got no answer so it will probably have to be Monday when I speak to him. This way I can chase up the quotation I was mean to be having. I'm thinking that there was some miscommunication so it's not on record that I asked for a quote. I should've chased them earlier in the week but (a) I was feeling ill and (b) since I'd asked the insurance company to procure a quote I figured they'd have contacted them by now.

We then headed up to Nantgarw where there is a Showcase cinema and a bowling alley. We often go passed there on the bus so wanted to find out what else was up there. After a rather long walk we found out: pretty much nothing. With sore feet we then had to wait ages in the cold for a bus. Fortunately we managed to catch an earlier bus than the one I knew would be passing (my normal bus home) and so got back before six. But considering we left before nine it was a long day. We ended up napping for a bit when we got home - possibly not the best plan and I'm still feeling exhausted. Oh well, I guess I can legitimately go to bed soon. I'll need the rest for tomorrow: a day of NaNo and watching Guild Wars. I'm going to move this machine so that I can do both at the same time. Unfortunately I'm a little stuck - I got to the end of Chapter One and have no idea what to do for Chapter Two. I can't skip ahead to the next thing I know will happen because I need some more background. I just don't know what! I've not written anything today and only wrote a few hundred words yesterday. So I'll have to work solidly this weekend. Still, we have absolutely no reason to go out so other than washing up and laundry there is nothing to distract me from my work.


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