
Friday, November 18, 2005

Rat got home this evening to a letter marked Urgent and addressed to a previous occupier in a hand-written envelope with no return address. Concerned that someone might be trying to desperately contact this person he opened the envelope to try to gleen more information. He found inside a form saying that a bailiff would be arriving tomorrow at 10am due to a lack of payment to the CSA (Child Support Agency). We've left several messages on the number on the form but with no response. I've called the CSA and they have a note on the account but it was too late to call off the bailiffs (unsurprisingly since it's after hours on a Friday night and they are meant to be coming tomorrow) so we need to have evidence of who we are on-hand.

The thing is, we wouldn't even know if Rat hadn't opened the envelope and we could have been out when they arrive (they threaten locksmiths although I don't think they can legally do that). There has only been one letter previously (we know because we've been crap at redirecting): another hand-written envelope with no return address. I've seen nothing from the CSA (if I did I'd return it immediately). The person who it's addressed to hasn't been living here since March at the least (since that's when we looked around and I know the name of the tennant); I don't think they've lived here for at least a year because one of these "houses that have sold in the last x months" said our house was sold last year (November I think). And yet the CSA haven't been able to discover that the person doesn't live here?

I've done a search on Bailiff's and I don't think they can do anything. They can't take anything that belongs to someone other than the person on the warrant and since neither of us are on it there is nothing they can take. I half worry that they'll barge in without a word. But I don't think they can or will do that. If they did we'd be on to the police straight away. So I guess we'll be up as early as possible tomorrow with passports to hand (particularly Rat's since the person they are after is male) and a few bills too. But I'm terrified.

I'd just about managed to calm myself about the roof. We have a plan and while the cost concerns me we'll cope. Rat's even suggested improving the bay while we're at it, although I suspect we can't quite afford that! So I'm not worrying about that anymore. The worry has been replaced by this concern. I'm sure it'll all be over by lunchtime tomorrow (assuming they turn up at the time stated) but as Rat says - is this the start of things to come? And I'm kinda concerned about what the neighbours might think!

It scuppers our plans for tomorrow. We wanted to head into town and see two films. Assuming they turn up when they should and things get sorted as soon as possible we might be able to see one film. I wouldn't want to hang around for more since it's an International day and town will be packed.

Now I have a headache. I was going to use my own computer tonight but I'm in the lounge while Rat's watching TV because I didn't want to be alone.


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