I suppose I should start with the bailiffs. Rat took the day off work on Monday to deal with it - just in case someone turned up at the door to take things away. He got through to the bailiffs who assured him that they couldn't take anything if he wasn't the right person. But this didn't really make him feel that much better about it all. Finally the CSA rang up and told him that back in June they'd had a letter that the person they were after hadn't lived here since March 2004. However, whoever called the bailiffs hadn't seen this letter or anything on the system about it. So all the stress and worry and wasted weekend was all due to a clerical error. I know these errors happen, I'm sure they've happened to me before. I'm also sure that none of my clerical errors would have caused so much worry. I feel sorry for the poor woman who hasn't been receiving money because the CSA haven't been trying to track down the father of her child.
This week seems to be going from bad to worse. When I was at the parents' my mum received a letter saying that she had to go back to the hospital after her recent MRI scan. She wasn't too worried as she's been called back before due to problems in the test. This wasn't the case this time, however. They've found a lump and took a tissue sample so my mum was quite sore when she rang me. She goes back for the results on Friday. She seemed fairly perky although admitted to feeling a little choked. It's especially worrying because I think her mum and sister died from breast cancer. Of course, things have come along way since then. But I can't help but worry. It's hard to explain how I'm feeling though, because my feelings about my mum aren't really all that clear. It's definitely not as clear-cut as how I'd feel if this were my dad or my brother. I think a lot of my worry is for them (and, indeed, myself, seeing as I've probably got this ahead of me). I know it sounds harsh but it's kinda true. I love my mum and I hope she's going to be okay, but I think the general impact of this to the whole family will be big. We've had two close family friends die of cancer in the past decade (both of breast cancer, I think) which can't help. My ex died of cancer and my dad has been a victim of cancer. It's a tricky thing for us. My dad also had his every-couple-of-years scan of his innards to check that he's still okay - I sure hope that went well.
In other news, according to my body fat scales, I'm obese. Apparently, in just over a week my body fat has gone up by 6% even though my weight hasn't gone up. And yeah, it's saying I'm obese. I'm 5'3" and just under 10 stone. According to everything I've ever seen my maximum ideal weight is 9 and a half stone. Which would make me overweight but not obese for heaven's sake! Admittedly, I have eaten four Mr Kipling slices today and am taking a break from eating a very tasty, but incredibly fatty, Chinese meal. And I made the mistake of ordering Pork Balls with Sweet and Sour sauce. The bag of balls is ridiculous in size, and the amount of batter is amazing. It's sick!
This week seems to be going from bad to worse. When I was at the parents' my mum received a letter saying that she had to go back to the hospital after her recent MRI scan. She wasn't too worried as she's been called back before due to problems in the test. This wasn't the case this time, however. They've found a lump and took a tissue sample so my mum was quite sore when she rang me. She goes back for the results on Friday. She seemed fairly perky although admitted to feeling a little choked. It's especially worrying because I think her mum and sister died from breast cancer. Of course, things have come along way since then. But I can't help but worry. It's hard to explain how I'm feeling though, because my feelings about my mum aren't really all that clear. It's definitely not as clear-cut as how I'd feel if this were my dad or my brother. I think a lot of my worry is for them (and, indeed, myself, seeing as I've probably got this ahead of me). I know it sounds harsh but it's kinda true. I love my mum and I hope she's going to be okay, but I think the general impact of this to the whole family will be big. We've had two close family friends die of cancer in the past decade (both of breast cancer, I think) which can't help. My ex died of cancer and my dad has been a victim of cancer. It's a tricky thing for us. My dad also had his every-couple-of-years scan of his innards to check that he's still okay - I sure hope that went well.
In other news, according to my body fat scales, I'm obese. Apparently, in just over a week my body fat has gone up by 6% even though my weight hasn't gone up. And yeah, it's saying I'm obese. I'm 5'3" and just under 10 stone. According to everything I've ever seen my maximum ideal weight is 9 and a half stone. Which would make me overweight but not obese for heaven's sake! Admittedly, I have eaten four Mr Kipling slices today and am taking a break from eating a very tasty, but incredibly fatty, Chinese meal. And I made the mistake of ordering Pork Balls with Sweet and Sour sauce. The bag of balls is ridiculous in size, and the amount of batter is amazing. It's sick!
Sorry to hear that there are more things to worry about. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your mother, i'm sure she will be ok.
My mother had breast cancer five years ago, and that was difficult, but shes all fine now (touch wood). And my uncle is currently battling bowel cancer.
Cancer is everywhere - I am scared rigid of it, having lost 2 grandparents to it. I cant even watch a cancer-related news item.
Wow I'm scared and upset just writing this.
I shall be channelling positive thoughts and sending them your way!
Ohh and 4 kipling slices fran? 4?! You swiped another 2 after the gift giving?! Depsite this gluttony, I confidently say - you are not obese. Your scales are lying!!
DayDreamer, At
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:20:00 am
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