Another boring day as usual. Actually.. it had it's good points. Firstly I had a letter saying that I don't have to pay back my CDL until April (woopee).. although it won't be fully paid until March 2007 :/ Then I had a phonecall from an agency who are gonna put me forward for two jobs. So it's not all bad. Of course, I'm totally underqualified for the jobs.. but who knows.. I may be lucky.
My poor other half is out tonight, and on top of that is ill.. so I'm sitting here alone, bored cause none of my friends are online (plus I'm hiding with a different nick, so they might not recognise me if I was). And since I've decided I want to listen to cassettes rather than CDs, I can't plug in the electric fire to keep me warm.
What else can I ramble about? Well, I'm currently downloading BitchX.. might start playing around with command-line IRC clients (OMG.. yes, I'm daring to tread those scarey waters.. or something like that).
What else. Waaaah! I can't think of anything interesting to say. And even if I do, don't know if this'll upload properly.
Oh yeah, that was it.. I'm considering doing a new 'blogger'.. for general discussions, rather than my rambled journal stuff. Discussions could involve movies, books, music, or anything people feel like talking about. The idea is though that other people have to sign up to blogger, then the blogger/journal thingy will not be just me. Ok.. so how to do it: go to
Blogger and sign up as a new user. Then contact me (you can memo me on irc or something) and let me know the first and second name, and e-mail address you used.. then I can invite you (and you'll get an e-mail saying so), and then you can be a member of the blogger.. When you post, it won't update immediately, not until I publish it personally (once per day), cause I'm paranoid about saving my ftp details on a database I don't control.. but then again putting it in manually may not be any safer.. still.. I think I should shut up for now..