
Friday, November 30, 2001

Well.. more news I guess. I was dragged along to the Rat's java lecture last night to see just how bad his lecturer is.. and boy is that guy bad. Whilst there we met the programmer from the place I had the interview in the morning.. he was surprised to see me. Anyway, apparently his boss liked me :)

However, the people from the first job don't. Got a letter this morning saying that they regret to inform me but they won't be giving me a job. Huzzah! Let's just cross fingers for this other one still then..

Went to the cinema today, to see The Bandits, which is well worth the watch.. yet another good Bruce Willis film.. I'm beginning to find it hard to say I don't like the guy. The cinema managed to cock up yet again however. They managed with widescreen first off (presumably because they do for previews and premieres), but managed to have the screen so the top half was at the bottom and vice versa. And when the Rat complained, would they believe him without watching.. course not. Anyway, after seeing the screen for themselves they fixed it with a single short call on the radio.. geesh. .if it's that simple why can't they just get on with correcting stuff rather than not believing people..

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

The interviewers on Tuesday said they would make a decision by today. Well, if they have, they haven't told me yet. Does that mean I assume I haven't got it (which I'm more and more hoping is the case), or that they haven't made a decision yet (over a day and a half to make a decision.. when my last interview was decided by the end of the day). Rat has suggested that I phone them tomorrow. But I'm not sure whether to or not.

As for my interview today. It went okay, but it wasn't really an interview. They just explained the job to me. However they aren't sure if they'll have a job or not yet. It all depends on a customer contract.. I hate the fact it's left in the hands of a third party. But if I do get the job, in February they are getting an EC grant to convert to Linux (wo0h0o!).. and so if I'm there I might be able to get heavily involved. This will also probably mean converting a load of software from VB to Java. Unfortunately, I might not know if I get the job for a week or so. And if I get offered the other job.. well, I can't really say no or the job centre will be on my back. I'm crossing my fingers, and hoping the lack of a downpour (it rained lots on my past two interviews) is a good sign.

On another note, I discovered a BRITISH geek site: Daily Geek. It's only small (with just 15 registered users).. but give it your support :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Well, had an interview today. Should find out how it goes tomorrow. Got phoned up this afternoon by the Cymru Prosper Wales with a possible job.. got an interview for it tomorrow.. it'll only be 12 weeks (with the possibility of making it permanent).. but it'd be so much better than the one I went for today. So cross-fingers and wish me luck *grin*

Did more programming today. Got my calculator applet working to some extent.. and helped the other half with battleships.. which I must say is miles easier than writing a calculator.

Monday, November 26, 2001

Went into town today (actually, went everywhere today.. but town first). There's this advertising big TV screen in the middle of the city. Which today had the corner of a windows error screen on it... oh the joy of using Microsoft.

Also went to find out where my interview is tomorrow. There are some big houses in that town, I'm telling you. Shame I can't pronouce the town's name properly: Ystrad Mynach.. but still.. what do you expect from the Welsh language.

Other things.. went down the bay today.. it's amazing how much that place changes. I'm sure it wasn't *that* long since I last went there. When they have some more of the shops and bars occupied.. it'll be a really really nice place to go.

Our local cinema is a pain in the arse. I may get free entry (well, £10 a month), but they're so crap. And when you (or my boyf in this case) complain they a) don't believe you .. and b) give crap excuses.. "some films don't come in widescreen".. when probly 90% of the films (that's a lot of films) we've seen there haven't been in widescreen.. as if 90% of films don't have widescreen.. it's enough to make you scream.. oh and c) they only do something about one of the two complaints.

A cute site my boyf found.. well.. this is only one of the pages (the first on he gave me).. but they are sooo cool.. Vermont Bears. I want one.. no I want loads.. and I wanna go there and make my own bear.. and I want this.. and I want that.. They even have holes in the packing boxes so the bears can breathe.. and they have little red hearts in them..

/me gets all silly and childish..

Watched an interesting program on TV today.. panorama... about the BNP.. I'm not gonna go into detail.. but check out Panorama .. haven't seen the website myself yet.. but it should be interesting.. Anyway, it seems other people watched that program.. including one total lamer who came into #wales saying he'd been banned from #england for saying that the BNP had a point.. still arguing with him now. I can't believe in the racism of some people.. he claims not to be racist.. talks about the achievement of "white" people.. and I really feel like hunting him down and killing him...

Saturday, November 24, 2001

Another attempt to upload it properly!!!

Well, it didn't publish earlier because it was sending the wrong password (I typed it in properly honest). So I'm trying again. Not much else to say... The boyf is trying to write a calculator in Java, so I thought I'd have a go.. I never realised calculator's were so hard to write!!! Anyway, gonna see if this uploads this time...

Hmm.. that last post didn't seem to upload properly.. so I'm trying again..

Lots to talk aobut today.. well, not really.. but still..

Forgot to mention yesterday that we went to the cinema (*shock* *horror*).. ok, for anyone who knows me, that's not much of a surprise.. but I thought I'd give a little film review.

We went to see 'Spy Game' (not sure if that's one word or two).. which, despite it's uninspiring title (have you noticed all the crappy film titles recently?) it was actually pretty decent. I was worried it would be a big action film, but the action was just enough to make it interesting. The plot was cool and well thought out. Robert Redford was fantastic, and Brad Pitt was also pretty good. For some reason, although I think Pitt is an absolutely fantastic actor, I've been a bit down on him recently.. not really wanting to see him in anything. This is the first film I've seen him in for ages.. and although his part didn't really show off his acting skills, I feel much more happy watching him in films again. I know all that doesn't make sense to anyone but me, but still.. it's a cool film.. go see it :)

On a less interesting note.. I'd just like to say that I *hate* socks. No, not the socks you wear, I'm talking the protocol that works as a proxy server here. I've been playing around with new irc clients.. or at least trying to. BitchX I couldn't work out how to configure it to use a socks proxy. With Epic4 I found out how to compile with socks, spent ages fiddling with the config file, then when compiling it came up with 'can't find socks.h'.. I've searched the net, and apparently lotsa programs use socks.h.. but have I got a copy? Nope. Despite having multiple pieces of software that work with socks fine, I don't have one. And with the other half out, and my linux guru friends not online, I'm at a loss. I don't understand. I was really proud of myself for going through the config, and discovering lotsa stuff. And I really don't wanna have to use runsocks. It's a nasty program, and unneccessary. And so I wait for my boyf to come home and give me some ideas. And then he'll think I'm useless :/

Oh well. Enough rabbiting on for now.

Friday, November 23, 2001

Just saw part of 'So, Graham Norton'.. he had Gerard Depardieu on the show. That guy is such a good sport :) Anyway, they showed this really horrid website of a guy who gets turned on by noses and sneezes, and even comes when sneezing occasionally. And he had a thing for Depardieu's nose. So they phoned the guy up and got Depardieu to sneeze down the line.. and the guy goes 'I've got a sneeze coming on'.. implying.. anyway.. OMG.. what a sad guy!!! Sick!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2001

We think we may have solved the sorting hat... courtesy of a fellow astrophysicist. Hufflepuff = all the top ones, Slytherin = all the bottom ones, RavenClaw = alternate between top and bottom, and I'm guessing that Gryffindor is anything else :)

Just watched Series 7 The Contenders. I'm not going to go into details about it.. if you wanna know the plot and stuff check out the IMDB. Anyway, the point I wanted to make was that, if a reality show such as this existed, this is exactly what it would be like. It was perfectly done in the reality show style and if you didn't know it was a film, you would seriously believe it. Surpasses Blair Witch by far with the pretending to be real theme.. but then, Blair Witch was utterly crap (except for the cunning ending.. but to watch such a boring film just for the ending.. nm.. I don't want to get into my problems with the Blair Witch).

I'm sure there were lots more intelligent things I had to say, but can't remember what they might have been. Possibly stuff about late night shopping and incredibly slow people in the supermarket.. or maybe not..

Oh that was it.. they have a boxed video set of the Best of the Muppet Show.. I want it soooo much (really profound comment to wait for, wasn't it?).. anyway.. it's got loadsa stuff with loadsa famous stars that I'm sure I didn't appreciate fully as a kid, but would now.. oh for the money..

Emergence update!!!

Find out what house you'd be in: The Sorting Hat I'm apparently a Gryffindor (no surprise there). If anyone tries it and manages to get into either RavenClaw or Hufflepuff then let me know how :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Another boring day as usual. Actually.. it had it's good points. Firstly I had a letter saying that I don't have to pay back my CDL until April (woopee).. although it won't be fully paid until March 2007 :/ Then I had a phonecall from an agency who are gonna put me forward for two jobs. So it's not all bad. Of course, I'm totally underqualified for the jobs.. but who knows.. I may be lucky.

My poor other half is out tonight, and on top of that is ill.. so I'm sitting here alone, bored cause none of my friends are online (plus I'm hiding with a different nick, so they might not recognise me if I was). And since I've decided I want to listen to cassettes rather than CDs, I can't plug in the electric fire to keep me warm.

What else can I ramble about? Well, I'm currently downloading BitchX.. might start playing around with command-line IRC clients (OMG.. yes, I'm daring to tread those scarey waters.. or something like that).

What else. Waaaah! I can't think of anything interesting to say. And even if I do, don't know if this'll upload properly.

Oh yeah, that was it.. I'm considering doing a new 'blogger'.. for general discussions, rather than my rambled journal stuff. Discussions could involve movies, books, music, or anything people feel like talking about. The idea is though that other people have to sign up to blogger, then the blogger/journal thingy will not be just me. Ok.. so how to do it: go to Blogger and sign up as a new user. Then contact me (you can memo me on irc or something) and let me know the first and second name, and e-mail address you used.. then I can invite you (and you'll get an e-mail saying so), and then you can be a member of the blogger.. When you post, it won't update immediately, not until I publish it personally (once per day), cause I'm paranoid about saving my ftp details on a database I don't control.. but then again putting it in manually may not be any safer.. still.. I think I should shut up for now..

Yet another dull and uninteresting day in the life of me. Well, actually, I did go out to the pub tonight. SWLUG meeting. It was fun as always, meeting up with a load of like-minded geeks, not drinking alchohol but having nice(ish) pub food. Talking about lack of jobs etc, etc, etc. I've decided that I will start learning C# soon.. seriously I will.. well, maybe not. Other than that we half-heartedly decided to start our own linux distro, maybe, someday... although not likely to happen any time soon. But I think I may start looking at stuff so that I have more of an understanding how linux works. Other than that there is nothing else to say for now. Got a few links to look up.. if they're half decent may post them to you, my non-existant audience, later on...

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

I've been away for the weekend, on a mega roleplay session.. Friday for about 6 hours, Saturday for at least 15, and then Sunday for another 12 or so. And still the session ain't finished. But still, it was mostly fun, but for a few things that the GM apologised for (I think she's worried I won't be her friend anymore). I'm hoping the follow up to the session will be much more fun.

The main reason I'm posting is to give out a url which is I think fantastic. I'm not much into comedy, especially stand-up comedians, but my boyf was given the url to the most fantastic comedian I've ever heard.. so I thought I'd pass it on. It's geek humour.. which is why it is so fantastic. Anyway, here goes: Ernie Cline

Friday, November 16, 2001

Went to the cinema today, and saw Ghost World. It's a cool, if weird film. The main star is Thora Birch (from American Beauty), playing a very strange girl who's just graduated from high school. I guess it's the story of her summer. A summer in which she meets Steve Buscemi. For once Buscemi isn't playing the evil psycho. He's actually a semi-normal guy in this film. Although in the spirit of Trees Lounge falls for a younger girl. Hmm.. what else to say without giving anything away.. ermm.. dunno. Anyway, I'd recommend the film, although I think the cast is enough to recommend it. And if you don't agree, why the hell not? Steve Buscemi is a God!!!

One last comment, directed at the film.. since when was controversy in art a bad thing????!!!! You'll understand when you see it.

Oh, the film does not have a happy ending. Okay, so maybe that's a spoiler, but I wanna say this, becaues I think it's all the better for that fact.

Another good film. At last the film industry seems to be looking up again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Yay, I've managed to save it, I think.

/me hugs safemode :)

Hmm.. things have gone pair shaped, and I've lost all my old posts. Tell you why tho. Apparently the system doesn't like noscript tags.. it was causing problems in my template.. and when I decided to make a post and mention is, well, it seemed to have deleted all my old posts. So I guess I have to start again.. Bugger, bugger, bugger.

Thing to note: don't use "noscript" tags in Blogger!!!

I'm sure I had lots to say this morning, but now that I'm actually at the keyboard, I can't think what. I know I had a few musings about music to share, but frankly, I can't be bothered. Oh, well, I might as well. I've been listening to the new Muse album, and the Harry Potter album. Everytime I put the CD player on, and the first song on the Muse album plays, I think it's Harry Potter. Strange but true. I think it's cause it's a little eerie. Actually, the Harry Potter music is incredibly eerie at times.. if I didn't know better, I would swear that Danny Elfman were the composer, rather than John Williams. But still. You don't wanna hear me waffling on about music, now do you.

Nothing else to say. Nothing ever to say. Except that I wish people wouldn't stalk me. Not to mention any names. And thats it. If I think of something amazing to say later, I'm sure I will. Otherwise, goodnight.

Exciting day today... not. Although I have been updating my other website to look a little like this on (okay, a lot like it). But it's a long and annoying task.

Nothing else interesting to say. Sending off yet another job application tomorrow. Erm, that's about all.

Oh, btw, I love Mozilla. Just had to say that.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Just want to say that... "I hate Java".. Actually, that isn't quite true. What I hate is bad Java lecturers. I used to think my lecturer was bad. Now I know better. My boyf's lecturer is ten times worse than mine was. And yet he expects more complicated stuff.
Anyway and end to my complaining. Hopefully, by the end of the day, I should have an index page and a gallery, for all those admirers of mine ;) Of which there are probly none, but still.
What else to say? "I want a job!" Okay, so today I'm ranting.. but I'm broke, I have a bank on my back, and no-one wants me to work for them :(
Better stop now before I bore (sp?) you all.

Saturday, November 10, 2001

Went to see Harry Potter today. Great movie. The kids were amazing, in fact all the actors were pretty accurate. My only qualm is the amount of stuff left out. It was a two and a half hour film and there were lotsa scenes missing. Plus a few changes to the plot. But nothing significant. Anyway, my advice to anyone out there is to see the film, although I'd suggest reading the book at some time too, since the book is fantastic. :)

Well, here we are. My first post in my journal. I'm not gonna say too much cause I'm not at my own computer and I'm in the middle of e-mailing. Dunno what I'll post here, although film reviews will probly figure, plus links that I find interesting. That's all for now, I think.


(I made it on to #ircbar stats.. woohoo!).