
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I should have known it would be a bad day when I got up this morning. I'd had a sleepless night with the neighbour playing his loud music until around four or five in the morning. Well, I guess "DJing" is more accurate than playing and "noise" more accurate than music. But the fact that I was kept up all night remains the same. I wonder if we moved out of the frying pan into the fire? To be honest, until last night he'd been fine, only playing lound music maybe three or four times since we moved in and always stopping before bedtime. He'd been playing music last night and stopped before we went to bed as usual so we thought nothing of it until I woke up some time after two to hear the beat of drums. That's what I find the weird thing, if he'd been playing constantly I'd understand but what possible reason could he have for starting up again in the middle of the night? Fortunately he works most nights so it's unlikely to happen again for a long time, and if it's occasional then I'm not too worried. But it is annoying that he'd do something like that on a weeknight. Just because he doesn't keep normal hours and normal weeks doesn't mean the rest of us don't!

I wasn't too tired this morning though. I'd contemplated not going in but I was feeling fairly perky and I had reasons to be in. It's this afternoon that the tiredness has hit me, with a headache and sickness too. But this morning I was fine. I was a little behind getting up this morning because of the debate about going in or not, so I only just managed to catch my bus. That bit of the journey was fine.

It was from Caerphilly to work that the problems started. My bus which is scheduled for 8:02 and usually turns up around 8:15 didn't turn up until 8:50 - 15 minutes before the next one was due! I rang in at 8:30 (although the message apparently didn't reach the appropriate people) to let them know I'd be late, and as it happens I was almost an hour late! So much for running out to catch the bus this morning. I could have waited and comfortably got the next one without the rush.

This evening I got a lift to Nantgarw, which is a significantly better place to get my bus home. I can get one of several buses and potentially be home early. Particularly since my usual bus has been at least half-an-hour late every time I've been on it the past two weeks. Today I managed to catch an early bus from Nantgarw and theoretically I could have been home early. But a certain someone wanted pizza so I had to make a detour via the cash machine. Pizza is now here and I'm glad of it, even if I did get wet in the meantime and get in later than I could have.

In the middle I was at work, strangely enough, while Rat spent the day playing Guildwars (eviiiil!). I spent most of the afternoon "playing" with Mambo. I think it's really working out although apparently it's impossible to use a completely table-less layout (since all the modules use tables). I guess I can see why that's easier but it makes it a pain - particularly since Rob had found a nifty javascript to create curved borders which he doesn't think will work with tables (we don't want to use images because they have to be variable-width). I wonder if there is a CMS out there which doesn't rely on tables? Well, even so I think it's a damn sight better than MD-Pro, although documentation on templating is poor.

I'll probably be playing with Mambo tonight too. I did some yesterday. I know I shouldn't do work in my evenings but it's fun and I want to prove I can do this!